Registration of the nominated candidates to the State Great Hural election continuous

The political parties and coalitions registered to participate in an election to the State Great Hural proposing their candidates and submitting required documents to the General Election Commission (GEC) following the Article 29.1; 29.2 of the Law on State Great Hural election (2019). The nomination of independent candidates is ongoing at the same time from… Continue reading Registration of the nominated candidates to the State Great Hural election continuous

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Candidate registration for the State Great Hural election begins

The political parties and coalitions who wish to participate in the State Great Hural election which will take place on 24 June 2020 submitting their request to the General Election Commission of Mongolia (GEC) along this week from 20 to 24th April. As of 23th of April, GEC has received the documents from five political… Continue reading Candidate registration for the State Great Hural election begins

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Due to the complaints and concerns raised by some candidates of the political party, coalition and independents in regards with the election result the President of Mongolia assigned the General Election Commission to conduct an additional technical counting (manual counting) in Arkhangai aimag /constituency 1/, Dornod aimag /constituency 7/, Uvurkhangai aimag /constituency 10/, Umnugovi /constituency… Continue reading CONDUCT OF AN ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL COUNTING

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Chairman meets NAM delegates

Today, GEC Chairman received the delegates of the Needs of Assessment Mission (NAM) from OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). Deputy Head of Election Department Mr.Ulvi Akhundlu and an Election Advisor Ms.Keara Castaldo of ODIHR visit Ulaanbaatar for assessing pre-election environment and preparations for the upcoming State Great Hural election 2020. During… Continue reading Chairman meets NAM delegates

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The decision on the registration of the political parties and coalitions

On Monday, General Election Commission held its regular session and discussed whether to register the political parties and coalitions who have submitted their documents. The decision was made after checking of the documents in line with the following requirements set forth in the Law on State Great Hural election: whether the request to participate at… Continue reading The decision on the registration of the political parties and coalitions

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Oath taking of the Commissioners

Commissioners of the General Election Commission took their oath of office at the State Building on 6 February before their new term office to begin performing legislative activities. According to the Article 5.1 of the Law on Central election body, Commissioners to the GEC of Mongolia shall take an oath to the Constitution of Mongolia… Continue reading Oath taking of the Commissioners

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Voting Day of the State Great Hural election is confirmed

On 30th January, the Parliamentary session approved its resolution on setting of the polling day of the State Great Hural election after the draft resolution has been discussed at State Standing Committee on State Structure’s meeting held on 28th January. According to the approved resolution the State Great Hural 2020 election will take place on 24th of June… Continue reading Voting Day of the State Great Hural election is confirmed

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