Chairman meets NAM delegates

Today, GEC Chairman received the delegates of the Needs of Assessment Mission (NAM) from OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).

Deputy Head of Election Department Mr.Ulvi Akhundlu and an Election Advisor Ms.Keara Castaldo of ODIHR visit Ulaanbaatar for assessing pre-election environment and preparations for the upcoming State Great Hural election 2020.

During the meeting NAM delegates had questions on specific changes made to the recently adopted Law on State Great Hural election comparing to Election Law (2015) and officials discussed on other issues of interest to the delegates such as the reflections included in the new Law on State Great Hural election from the recommendations provided by ODIHR during 2016, 2017 elections and the opinion on electoral legislations.

Mongolia as one of the participating country of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) sends its invitation to the ODIHR/OSCE for elections observation in a country. Following the invitation ODIHR Needs of Assessment Mission visit the country for pre-election assessment and based on this assessment, the NAM recommends whether to deploy an ODIHR election-related activity for the forthcoming election and, if so, what type of activity best meets the identified needs.

During its visit to Ulaanbaatar NAM delegates will also meet other relevant public authorities and civil organizations who have certain roles to conduct election.

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