Due to the complaints and concerns raised by some candidates of the political party, coalition and independents in regards with the election result the President of Mongolia assigned the General Election Commission to conduct an additional technical counting (manual counting) in Arkhangai aimag /constituency 1/, Dornod aimag /constituency 7/, Uvurkhangai aimag /constituency 10/, Umnugovi /constituency 11/, Darkan-Uul aimag /constituency 19/ of the State Great Hural election 2020.

The technical counting should take place in accordance with the Procedure adopted by the GEC as resolution No.22’s appendix and to be undertaken on 28th June 2020 in open and transparent manner during which representatives from political parties, coalition and independents and also media outlet representatives should present. The result will be announced to the all stakeholders immediately after the additional technical counting to be finished.

As stated in the Law on the State Great Hural election “Article 71.14.After the polling process ends, the election committee of soum or city district shall select up to 50 percent of its election precinct by random selection (draw) and conduct a monitoring counting”, on Election Day 24th June at 10pm election precincts shall drew a lot by the observers to select which polling stations to conduct technical counting.

At 846 (42%) out of 2070 election precincts held an additional technical counting and the results came from all precincts shows that the result matches with the result given by vote counting machines.

Overall technical counting held in 1010 election precincts which is 48.7% of the total 2070 precincts and all results match with the result given by vote counting machines.


/State Great Hural election 2020/

28th June 2020
Name of aimag Total number of election precinct on 24th June on 27-28 June Technical counting result
Precincts conducted technical counting Percentage Number of election precinct conducted additional technical counting Percentage
1 Arkhangai 105 48 45.7 5 50.5 same as
ICP* result
2 Bayan-Ulgii 96 46 47.9 same as
ICP* result
3 Bayankhongor 105 50 47.6 same as
ICP* result
4 Bulgan 68 31 45.6 same as
ICP* result
5 Govi-Altai 87 37 42.5 same as
ICP* result
6 Dundgovi, Govisumber 55 32 58.2 same as
ICP* result
7 Dornod 72 33 45.8 3 50.0 same as
ICP* result
8 Dornogovi 59 23 39.0 same as
ICP* result
9 Zavkhan 111 56 50.5 same as
ICP* result
10 Uvurkhangai 106 52 49.1 2 50.9 same as
ICP* result
11 Umnugovi 61 25 41.0 10 57.4 same as
ICP* result
12 Sukhbaatar 64 27 42.2 same as
ICP* result
13 Selenge 56 25 44.6 same as
ICP* result
14 Tuv 96 40 41.7 same as
ICP* result
15 Uvs 92 42 45.7 same as
ICP* result
16 Khovd 91 33 36.3 same as
ICP* result
17 Khuvsgul 129 70 54.3 same as
ICP* result
18 Khentii 89 38 42.7 same as
ICP* result
19 Darkhan-Uul 39 18 46.2 21 100.0 same as
ICP* result
20 Orkhon 38 18 47.4 same as
ICP* result
21 Baganuur, Bagakhangai, Nalaikh district 26 13 50.0 same as
ICP* result
22 Bayanzurkh
Constituency No.22
47 11 23.4 12 48.9 same as
ICP* result
Bayanzurkh district
Constituency No.23
53 14 26.4 12 49.1 same as
ICP* result
23 Sukhbaatar 42 5 11.9 16 50.0 same as
ICP* result
24 Chingeltei 44 5 11.4 17 50.0 same as
ICP* result
25 Bayangol 77 38 49.4 same as
ICP* result
26 Songinokhairkhan district
Constituency No.27
43 4 9.3 18 51.2 same as
ICP* result
Songinokhairkhan district
Constituency No.28
59 6 10.2 24 50.8 same as
ICP* result
27 Khan-Uul district 60 6 10.0 24 50.0 same as
ICP* result
Total 2070 846 40.9 164 48.8  

*ICP – vote counting machine

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