Citizens’ Representatives’ Hural election takes place on Thursday

The Citizens’ Representatives’ Hural (local assembly) election held on Thursday, 15th October 2020 where voters in 9 districts (capital city district) and 21 aimags (provinces) elected their local representatives at the local assemblies according to their residential address.

On Election Day polls opened at 7am in 2,148 polling stations nationwide and closed at 8pm by Ulaanbaatar time. Ballot papers collected from 20,258 voters who cast their vote by mobile voting box on 14th October was scanned before the first voter’s coming to vote at the polling stations.

There are 1,907 (men 1,507, women 400) candidates from 9 political parties, 1 coalition and independent candidates contested an election of the Citizens’ Representatives’ Hural of aimag, and the capital city for 816 mandates. Overall 15,242 (men 10,433, women 4.809) candidates from 9 parties and independent candidates contested for 7,353 seats of the soum and district Citizen’s Representatives’ Hural nationwide.

As of 3pm on Election Day, the voter turnout was 27% in the capital city while 35.2% was reported in 21 aimags across the country. According to the preliminary election result, overall 1,129,010 voters out of 2,016,794 voters registered in the electoral roll cast their vote nationwide whereas 502,906 of them were men and 626,104 were women. The voter turnout was 56% at national level. In terms of age difference, the voters who participated in election between 18-25 were 130,058 (6.45%), 26-40 were 387.706 (19.2%), 41-55 were 349.951 (17.4%), 56 and above were 261,295 (13%).

The preliminary result shows that in 13 aimags most of the seats gained by the Mongolian People’s Party and in remaining 8 aimags the Democratic Party elected for majority of the seat. As for the capital city, Mongolian People’s Party won in 8 districts while Democratic Party got majority of the seats in 1 district of the capital city. (Table. Preliminary result of the Citizens’ Representatives’ Hural election)

In line with the Law on Election, the General Election Commission as a central election body has provided professional and methodological expertise to the lower level election bodies to organize local elections. In order to organize polling while maintaining the regulations on the prevention of Covid-19 pandemic, there are overall 21,400 public servants from police department, intelligent office, emergency office and health organizations have deployed to the polling stations throughout the country.

Preliminary result of the Citizens’ Representatives’ Hural election


(21 provinces)

Capital city

(9 districts)



Number of polling station


1695 453 2148
Number of constituency


1632 152 1784
Number of seats in the Citizens’

Representatives’ Hural

7062 291 7353






Political parties, coalition & independent candidate

Mongolian People’s Party 3785


199 3984
Democratic Party


3139 75 3214
Mongolian Green Party 0 1 1
Civil Will Green Party


4 0 4
Mongolian People’s

Revolutionary Party

21 1 22
Labor National Party


0 12 12
True and Right Party


1 0 1
Fair Citizen’s United Coalition Party 1 0 1
Independent candidate


48 2 50


6999 290 7289


4993 205 5198


2005 85 2090
Additional polling*


60 1 61

*Additional polling shall take place in accordance with the Article.78 of the Law on Local Election

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